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Accessibility Consulting

We help organizations improve the accessibility and usability of

Accessibility projects I have worked on: Eight case studies.

Consumer products

I pinpoint unintended barriers to people with disabilities in hardware and software. My reports provide constructive and specific feedback on how to expand the base of people who can use products. Related services:

Programs, services, and policies

There can be unintended barriers in programs, services, policies, and practices. I conduct comprehensive reviews to guide organizations towards higher levels of inclusivity. Services I have provided in the past include:


I evaluate commercial and proprietary software to document barriers to people with a wide range of disabilities, and highlight usability issues. My detailed reports give developers options on how to improve their software.

Websites and web applications

My associates and I offer services related to the accessibility of websites and web applications:

Need help with accessibility?

Contact us to discuss your needs. Sample accessibility reports are available on request.